What Does My Pet Turtle Eat?


If you have a pet turtle, you know how fun and adorable they are. There are two main types of pet turtles, box turtles and aquatic turtles. Each type of turtle has a very specific diet, which should be strictly adhered to. Below you will find a basic guide, though you should talk to your veterinarian for specifics regarding your turtle's breed. Here are a few tips to stick to when feeding your turtle and choosing turtle food for it.

15 December 2020

Getting a New Puppy? Make Sure You Buy These 2 Things Before You Bring It Home


If you are getting a new puppy you need to make sure you are ready for it. This will help make the transition of your puppy and your family go much easier. Below are two things you should start with. 1. Pet Crate In the beginning, your new puppy will not be potty trained and it will take time for it to be. Because of this, you should not leave the puppy alone in the house free while you are gone.

12 November 2020

When To Purchase A Dog-Tracking GPS Collar For Your Dog


If you are a dog owner, you might already own at least one collar for your dog to wear. However, there's a good chance that you don't have a dog-tracking GPS collar for it. These collars can be very handy for quickly and easily tracking your dog's location. These are some of the times when it makes sense to purchase a dog-tracking GPS collar. You Like to Take Your Dog Hunting

13 October 2020

Why Buy A Navy And Cream Leather Dog Collar?


There's no doubt you have plenty of options available when it comes to dog collars today. The idea of a navy and cream leather dog collar may never have occurred to many pet owners, but it is a practical option that offers gender-neutral appeal to dogs and owners alike. These are a few reasons you may wish to choose a navy and cream leather dog collar for your precious pooch.

17 August 2020

What English Tack Is Appropriate For A Hunter Over Fences Class


English tack is vast and varied. The tack you would use on a cross-country course is quite different from the tack you might use in an equitation on the flat class, for example. One of the pickiest disciplines of all, however, is hunter over fences. These classes are intended to show off the horse's form over jumps, and the tack chosen should make it easy for the judge to assess the horse's form and performance.

17 June 2020

Tips For Keeping Your Dog Safe And Happy On A Family Road Trip


After weeks of planning, it is time to finally take your family, including your beloved family dog, on a road trip. Traveling even a short distance with your dog can cause anxiety in both you and your dog, especially if your dog is restless or allowed to roam freely in your vehicle. This will not only cause you stress, but it will also put your pet in danger. Follow these simple tips to help ensure your dog is safe and sound throughout every leg of your family's next road trip.

22 May 2020

Dog Tear Stains: What They Are And How To Remove Them With Stain Remover Chews


Certain breeds of dog, such as smaller breeds or those with shorter snouts, can be prone to tearing in the eyes. These tears can lead to dark brown or unsightly tear stains that you don't want, but luckily there are lots of ways you can reduce the tears and help your dog stay beautiful and hygienic. Dog tear stain remover chews are one of the ways you can improve the appearance of your dog's eyes.

13 May 2020

Your Pet Can Benefit From Natural Pet Foods


Some people may scoff at the idea of natural pet food. Dogs eat their own vomit and drink out of toilets and survive. Cats are notorious for chewing on dead rodents. So why should you go all-natural? Do ingredients in dog food and other pet food matter? Yes, it does. Here are a few benefits of feeding your pet natural or organic pet food. Better Digestion While animals do eat some disgusting things sometimes, they can still benefit from natural foods with wholesome ingredients.

27 March 2020

5 Reasons To Shop For Reptiles For Sale Online


You're in the market to get a new pet, and a reptile—like a box turtle, bearded dragon, or even a garter snake—sounds like a wise choice. Reptiles that are handled often and cared for properly can make great pets, and shopping for reptiles for sale online can be an ideal. Here are five reasons to shop for reptiles for sale online. Once you have found a reptile you like, research the type of environment it needs, the food it prefers, and other important information so you get the most out of your purchase.

25 March 2020

Why Take Advantage Of Cat Litter Delivery?


Cats make excellent first pets. They're affectionate yet independent, and they require relatively few supplies. However, cats do need a litter box filled with quality cat litter. A cat litter delivery service can make acquiring litter easier than ever. Here are four reasons you should take advantage of cat litter delivery: 1. Cut down on your errand list. Many tasks are necessary to keep your everyday life running smoothly. Between work and the rest of your responsibilities, you may feel like you're always pressed for time.

18 March 2020